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There are three types of electronic locks for automatic sliding doors: electromagnetic locks that lock belts, electric locks that lock door body hangers, and lock motors. The latter is used for heavy-duty automatic sliding doors. The electronic locks for automatic swing doors have electromagnetic door suction, electronic latch locks, and electronic door openers. The direction of the force of the electronic door does not affect the opening action of the door and is not prone to misoperation. There is also a mechanical lock with a contact switch. The lock is combined with the switch. If the lock is not in the unlocked state, the contacts cannot be contacted and misoperation cannot occur.The concept of centralized control includes the two meanings of centralized monitoring of the Automatic door operation status and centralized operation of multiple automatic doors.https://www.kth-automaticdoor.com/
The centralized monitoring of the automatic door opening and closing status can be achieved through the position signal output circuit. Contact switches can be used when the door reaches a certain position (Such as the on position), the switch is touched to give a contact signal. It is also possible to use an inductive signal generating device that sends a signal when the sensor detects that the door is in a certain position. Setting the corresponding indicator light in the central control room can display the status of the automatic door, while centralized operation usually means opening or locking multiple doors at the same time.